Democracy starts at the local level! Knowing that, securing well-functioning of the municipalities is of critical importance for any country. Important foundation for that is to make sure that the municipalities have the necessary financial resources to play their role and execute their functions.
Main objectives of the project:
To shed light on the key economic developments in the country’s municipalities.
To inform the public about the key features of the municipalities’ budgets and their structural changes over time, if any.
To identify and communicate with the public the challenges municipalities face in executing their budgets.
To indicate and elaborate on the accompanying implications/obstacles for the local economic development of municipalities.
To identify and communicate with the public possible solutions, as indicated by the local communities’ officials and citizens, thus creating preconditions for improved financial viability of the municipalities and deepened decentralization in the country.
The project was implemented in 15 municipalities in the country, with media partnership of “Economy and Business” monthly.
The project publication is available in Macedonian language here