Cool Down. Elections are over

On 28 and 29 September, 2024 in Popova Kula, FRP gathered 12 MPs in their first mandate for a highly intensive two days seminar that guided the MPs through the secrets of the parliamentary debate, the art of compromise and specifically the benefits of a compromise, how to deal with their senior peers from other […]
Roundtable „Towards interweaving education, science and innovation-based economy” held at Europe House, Skopje

On Monday, 23rd September 2024, a roundtable took place at Europe House, Skopje, bringing together representatives from public institutions, business sector, policymakers, and experts for a moderated discussion. The event aimed to mobilize a new network of stakeholders to collaboratively monitor reforms related to Cluster 3, which focuses on the intersection of education, science, innovation, […]
Academy for Public Policy -Fourth Generation (open call)

The call for applications for participation in the Academy for Public Policy – Fourth Generation is open. (only available in Macedonian and Albanian language) Отворен е повикот за поднесување на апликации за учество на Академијата за јавни политики- четврта генерација. Повеќе информации за академијата и критериумите за учество ќе најдете на овој линк Është […]
Moderated discussion on “The report on Electoral Ethics: The Virtuous Politician’s Guide 2.0“

In the presence of representatives from the academic, media and civil society (list of participants), the report on electoral ethics “The Virtuous Politician’s Guide 2.0” prepared during the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections, by the team and experts of Forum for Reasonable Policies, was presented. The Forum for Reasonable Policies team thanks all participants and […]
FRP’s Media Insights on the 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Election

Bloomberg ADRIA TV Win Win ,Telma TV 25.04.2024 Aljazeera TV 25.04.2024 Reuters 25.04.2024 Win Win, Telma TV 09.05.2024 Bulgarian National Television BNT 10.05.2024 (1:09:00 minute) Objektiv – MTV 22.05.2024 Tema na denot – Sitel TV 05.06.2024 Interview for
Conference: Political Parties Transparency Index (PPTI) report presentation

In line with the previous activities conducted by Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), which included developing a comprehensive index for measuring political parties’ performance in the Western Balkans countries (PPTI), and following the established methodology for the PPTI, Forum for Reasonable Policies (FRP) conducted an extension phase for PPTI in the Republic of North Macedonia. […]