Having an excellent education system is not a matter of choice, but a matter of survival for any country. The global developments, such as the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence and fascinating development of telecommunications define the context and the parameters around which the key pillars of the education system in the Republic of Macedonia should be designed.
Furthermore, the globalization of the world economy removed the barriers on the labor market where everybody competes with everybody today. High quality education creates high quality and competitive human capital, which is a precondition for a long-term sustainable economic development of the country. Given the registered “brain drain”, the issue gets additional urgency and importance. Having all this in mind, establishing and maintaining a high quality education system is a top priority for the Forum for Reasonable Policies. The process of education is characterized by the fact that there are numerous stakeholders. Our vision for high quality education has the pupil / the student at its core. They are the center around which the others should gravitate.
The time the pupils and students spend in the education process, in case it is with sub-optimal quality, can not be compensated, and the price paid for that loss is measured through having potentially entire generations of pupils and student ending up on the life path of low competitiveness on the labor market, high uncertainty associated with finding a job, low paid jobs and ultimately a low standard of living. That is too high a price that a society must not allow itself to pay. Hence, all other stakeholders in the education process should “serve” to the most important one, the pupil/ the student. Therefore, the approach of the Forum for Reasonable Policies focuses on knowledge and not on the piece of paper called diploma, i.e. it focuses on the substance, rather than on the form.
Our vision is based on the acknowledgement that all segments of the education system require deep and thorough reforms. For example, the easiest thing to do is to keep the external evaluation unchanged or to abolish it altogether,it is much more difficult to reform and optimize it. Or, to align the secondary education with the needs of the business sector. Finally, the university education in the Republic of Macedonia became an example where the increased supply of high education institutions loosen up the high standards that are to be strictly respected and which we stand for. The Forum for Reasonable Policies designs comprehensive and sustainable solutions for the challenges associated with each of these segments of the education system.
We are aware that the processes in the education system are lasting and produce results in a long run. This additionally accentuates the need of a wide consensus in the society with regard to the design and adoption of a strategy that will not be inhibited by any short-term, primarily political, developments in the society. For that reason, in line with our own strategic principles, the Forum for Reasonable Policies engages all the human capital available from the country and abroad with whom we share our vision for introducing and maintaining a high quality education system.
Naum Naumovski – Borche, 50 / 3 – 12
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Built with care by Martin Stojanovski